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Law and Social Sciences / Faculty /

Philippe Stoesslé

Social Sciences
Icono de Formación Académica

Doctoral Candidate in Social Sciencies

Paris-Diderot University - Paris 7 


Master's Degree in Education 

Université de Bourgogne, (University of Burgundy), France


Master's Degree in International Studies

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey


Master of International Relations and Affairs, with a specialty in Geopolitics and International Relations

Institut d’Études Politiques, Université de Toulouse (University of Toulouse), France


Master's Degree in Political Science 

Centre d’Études Européennes, Université de Marne-la-Vallée (Center for European Studies, Marne-la-Vallée University); Champs-sur-Marne, France


Bachelor of History 

Université Marc Bloch (Marc Bloch University); Strasbourg, France


Icono de Trayectoria Profesional y Docente
Career Path

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey

Professor at the Political Sciences and International Relations Department


Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Professor at the School of Political Sciences and Public Administration


European Parliament, Strasbourg, France 

In charge of logistics


Icono de Distinciones y Premios
Recognitions and Awards

Research related to Teaching in Social Sciences Award

Universidad de Monterrey


Winner of the 20th Annual Conference of the Union, Denver, USA

The Union-North American Region


Research related to Teaching in Social Sciences Award

Universidad de Monterrey


Winner of the 19th Annual Conference of the Union, Vancouver, Canada

The Union-North American Region


Icono de Publicaciones

Stoesslé, P. (2016). Barriers to Healthcare Access among Farmworkers, US and Mexico. University of Arizona – CONACYT Binational Consortium for Regional Scientific Development and Innovation.


Stoesslé, P. and Chinchilla, F. (2016). La rhétorique de l'intolérance. De l'expulsion, la naturalisation, ou l'intégration des "sans-papiers” aux États-Unis (The rhetoric of intolerance. Of the deportation, naturalization, or integration of the undocumented in the United States), Canada.

Stoesslé, P., González-Salazar, F., Santos-Guzmán, J. and Sánchez-González, N. (2015). Risk factors and current health-seeking patterns of migrants in northeastern Mexico: Healthcare needs for a socially vulnerable population. Front. Public Health, 2(191). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2015.00191

Stoesslé, P. (2015). La integración transnacional en materia de salud: El caso de la tuberculosis en la zona fronteriza México-Estados Unidos. (Transnational health integration: The case of tuberculosis in the Mexico-United States border zone). Cuadernos De Conflicto y Paz, 1(3).

Stoesslé, P. (2015). Les défis interculturels dans les formations de français de la médecine (Intercultural challenges in medical French training). Synergies Mexique, 5.

Icono de Presencia en Congresos
Presence in Congresses

Stoesslé, P. (January 2018). Speaker at the 6th International Congress on Health and Migration at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Puebla.

Stoesslé, P. (December 2016). Speaker at the Forum Fortaleciendo la Salud del Migrante (Strengthening Migrant Health) at the Health Secretariat of the state of Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo León.

Stoesslé, P. (November 2016). Speaker at the International Simposium "Mobilités et mort. Connecter des savoirs et des pratiques pour faire avancer les connaissances" (Mobility and mort. Connecting knowledge and practices to make understanding progress) at the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada.

Stoesslé, P. (May 2016). Speaker at el Journée d'étude de l'Observatoire des Amériques et de l'Institut des Amériques - Immigration et rhétoriques électorales dans les Amériques (Colloquium of the Observatory of the Americas and the Institute of the Americas – Immigration and electoral rhetorics in the Americas) at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

Stoesslé, P. (February 2016). Speaker at 20th Annual Conference of the Union in the North American Region, Denver, USA.

Stoesslé, P. (October 2015). Speaker at the 28th National Congress on Medical Research, Monterrey, Nuevo León.

Stoesslé, P. (February 2015). Speaker at 19th Annual Conference of the Union in the North American Region, Vancouver, Canada.

Stoesslé, P. (October 2014). Speaker at the 21st National Congress on Geography: Spaces and places of diversity, Monterrey, Nuevo León.

Stoesslé, P. (2013). Speaker at the Puentes Consortium, Rice University, Houston, USA