Evelyn Monreal

UDEM has always been for me a personal seal in the exercise of my profession, as I continue to seek to transform my skills in service”.
Evelyn Monreal is a Bachelor of Law graduate committed to transforming society through justice and community action.
Evelyn Monreal Pitones' tireless willingness to support the most vulnerable communities in Nuevo León, did not go unnoticed by Campus Compact, an entity that awarded the University of Monterrey student the Newman Civic Fellow Award in 2018.
It was through her project Dar Sin Esperar, a civil association that seeks to combat school dropout in the state through a formative school model, founded on the axes of Sports Skills Development, Accompanying Families, Student Follow-up and Academic Offering, as it frames her constant interest in understanding and solving the problems and needs of different communities.
“Dar Sin Esperar has been operating for five years. Annually we have 1,014 beneficiaries, divided among 15 educational institutions. As our focus is to combat school dropouts, we realized that to fully attack the problem we have to collaborate with the educational system,” explained the young woman and pointed out that the organization has a presence in 13 elementary schools and two high schools in Santa Catarina.
“I believe that everyone is part (of my achievements). Whenever they ask me, 'Evelyn, how do you do it?' I tell them that you have to have a balance and value all your relationships that form you and make you grow as a person,” shared the young woman, who was invited to Boston, Massachusetts to spend time with other recipients of the award.
Evelyn has also represented Mexico in Balloon LATAM in Chile; she has participated in several projects with JovenES Nuevo León, of the state SEDEDOL; as a representative of Solidarity and Philanthropy in the student federation; and was an advisor for the Children in Action Award, in alliance with INVERCAP.
We congratulate Evelyn Monreal for her outstanding performance as a lawyer, New Man Civic award winner, representative in the Balloon Latam program in Santiago de Chile and part of FEUDEM and the Senate.
Evelyn is currently at UDEM, pursuing her Master's Degree in Business Law.
Her dedication and achievements are a testimony of the commitment to excellence that characterizes our graduates.