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Health Sciences / Programs / Bachelor of Nursing /

Bachelor of Nursing curriculum

Explore the courses in your degree curriculum

UDEM allows you to choose the best path to enrich your academic and formative curriculum to the fullest.

Below, we show you a sample curriculum. Use the simulator to experiment and see how you could organize your courses.

Type of courses:
General studies ?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives
Professional studies?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives/Concentration
  • Internships and Final Evaluation Project (PEF)
Validations ?
  • Course with a prerequisite
  • Fixed course

Credits per semester: Minimum 6 - Maximum 42

EM 1000 Introduction to Nursing
CC 2045 Public Health
EM 1011 Anatomy and Physiology I
EM 1012 Biomedical Etymologies
EM 3003 Nursing Theories
HU 1005 Social Thinking of the Church
EM 1020 Fundamentals of Nursing
EM 1013 Nursing Care Process
EM 1021 Anatomy and Physiology II
CB 1045 Microbiology and Parasitology
EM 1033 Community Nursing
HU 1010 Global Competencies
Curso Electivo General LEN
CB 1190 Biochemistry
EM 2030 Adult Care Nursing
EM 2031 Pathology
EM 1032 Nursing Pharmacology
HU 1015 Comparative International Contexts
Curso Electivo General LEN
EM 3004 Nursing and the Care of Surgical and Critically-ill Patients
EM 3041 Surgical Pathology
CB 1112 Nutrition
ID 1500 Academic Writing
Curso Electivo General LEN
EM 3008 Nursing in Women's Care
EM 2003 Health Education
AD 1200 Leadership in Organizations
CB 1017 Research Methods
EM 3011 Nursing in the Care of Children and Adolescents
EM 2013 Management of Nursing Services
Curso Electivo Profesional LEN
EM 3012 Nursing in the Care of Patients with Psychiatric Disorders
EM 3071 Management and Quality of Nursing Care
Curso Electivo Profesional LEN
EM 3200 Nursing Research I
FM 1100 Interpreting Statistical Information
Curso Electivo Profesional LEN
EM 3070 Nursing Internship
EM 3215 Nursing Research II (Final Evaluation Program)

This curriculum is a simulation. It is subject to changes and course availability. It does not in any way replace the Personal Education Plan.

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