By pursuing the Dual Preparatory School with General Nursing program, you will be trained as a professional in General Nursing, competent in providing human care with ethics and appreciation for life, with theoretical foundations and extensive practice at hospitals and medical health centers.
Duration: 8 semesters + 1 year social service internship.
Agreements with public and private institutions.
Years running at UDEM.
We educate and train technical nursing professionals that provide human care based on a practice with ethics, appreciation for life, and theoretical foundations, so that they can practice the profession at health institutions at the different care levels through the promotion of prevention and attention to basic care needs.

Admission profile
In order to pursue this preparatory school program, you must have a vocation for service. You will also need to have completed middle school and have a desire to improve yourself and transcend by assisting and caring for others.
Graduate profile
You will be able to join public or private institutions at the different care levels, assisting in the promotion of prevention and human care, and attending to basic care needs.

Live an experience abroad
Have an academic experience abroad for a summer, a semester or a year.
See moreAdmission requirements
- Admission application.
- Original and two (2) photocopies of middle school certificate (average grade required to enter this program: 7.2).
- Original and two (2) photocopies of letter of good standing from middle school.
- Recently issued original and two (2) photocopies of birth certificate
- Six (6) black and white credencial size (3.5 X 5 cm, 1.38” X 1.96”) photos (no snapshots, no digital photos).
- Six (6) black and white infantil size (3 X 2.5 cm, 1” X 1 1/4”) photos (no snapshots, no digital photos).
- CURP (Population Registration Code) [2 (two) copies].
- Two (2) copies of applicant’s current medical service supporting document (private, social security, etc.).
- Two (2) copies of an official identification of the applicant's parent o guardian (INE, passport).
- Copy of government issued identification of the person responsible for tuition (INE, passport).
- Two (2) copies of a utility bill (water, electricity or phone) and must not be more than three months old.
School of Nursing UDEM, Christus Muguerza Campus, Hospital General Conchita
Raúl Alonso Ávalos Lozano
+52 (81) 8122-8122 ext. 6553
[email protected]
[email protected]
Continue with your preparation
In the undergraduate degree program in Nursing (LEN) you will acquire the tools to be a professional capable of performing different roles as a caregiver, educator, administrator, researcher. You will also be able to collaborate with a health team at the different health care levels.
Consult the courses that you will take in the Dual Preparatory School with General Nursing.
- Nursing I
- History of Nursing
- Medical Etymologies
- Social Anthropology
- Biology (Anatomy and Physiology I)
- Mathematics I
- Forming Values Seminar
- Oral and Written Expression Workshop
- Human Development
- Educational Techniques
- History of Mexico
- Nursing Care Process
- Community and Hospital Practice I
- Nursing II
- Biology II (Anatomy and Physiology II)
- Modern World History
- Nutrition
- Mathematics II
- Forming Values Seminar II
- Oral and Written Expression II
- Philosophy
- Community and Hospital Practice II
- Public Health
- Medical-Surgical Pathology I
- Medical-Surgical Nursing I
- Microbiology I
- Chemistry I
- Mathematics I
- Reading Workshop I
- Forming Values Seminar III
- English l
- Computer Studies I
- Pathology Practices I
- Medical-Surgical Pathology II
- Medical-Surgical Nursing II
- Microbiology II
- Chemistry (Pharmacology)
- Mathematics IV
- Reading Workshop II
- Forming Values Seminar IV
- English II
- Computer Studies II
- Pathology Practices II
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Mother/Child Nursing
- Diet Therapy
- Chemistry II (Pharmacology)
- Ethics
- Physics I
- English III
- Forming Values Seminar V
- Specialized Basic Practice I
- Pediatric Pathology
- Pediatric Nursing
- Physics II (Medical Physics)
- General Psychology
- English IV
- Forming Values Seminar VI
- Bioethics
- Specialized Basic Practice II
- Community Nursing
- Management of Health Institutions
- Evolutionary Psychology
- General Didactics
- Research Techniques
- Statistics
- English V
- Specialized Basic Practice III
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Psychopathology
- Deontology and Legislation
- Economic, Political, and Social Problems of Mexico
- English VI (Medical English)
- Research Techniques II
- Forming Values Seminar VII
- Specialized Basic Practice VI
Professors of the Vice-Presidency of Health Sciences
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