Rosbel Hinojosa

Studying at UDEM has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
UDEM formed me since Prepa (Prepa UDEM USP) and turned me into the human being and law degree professional that I am today. The university gave me too many tools, skills and experiences; it also introduced me to great friends, classmates and teachers. Trying to narrate the best moments I lived at UDEM is impossible, because I had the fortune of living unforgettable experiences throughout almost 8 years.
In high school I was part of UDEMUN, Theater, VIPAU and in the University I served as vice president and president of Phi Delta Phi Santos Theriot Inn. I was part of the 14th Generation of the Honors Program: Leaders Plus, I was winner of 1st Place in the Electoral Crimes Contest organized by the Special Prosecutor's Office for Electoral Crimes, among other activities.
Thanks to UDEM I realized that, in addition to my love for my profession, I have the vocation to guide and assist others so that they can develop academically and professionally, as well as to remind them that the most important thing is to enjoy every moment of their lives.