Laura Esparza

She holds a law degree and a Master's degree in Business Law from the Universidad de Monterrey, and a Master's degree in Human Rights and Democracy from the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences).
She has training in international trade law from the Université Pantheón-Assas Paris II, in human rights and gender equality in policies, programs and projects from the Organization of American States and in the Inter-American human rights system from the UNAM.
Professionally, she has worked in the private and public sector, was part of the Business and Human Rights Program of the National Human Rights Commission, and has participated in consulting and academic research projects.
She is currently a lecturer at the Law School and Law School and a researcher at the Institute of Human Rights and Business at the University of Monterrey. Her areas of study are public policy and corporate policies on corporate responsibility in human rights.