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Health and hygiene measures COVID-19

We are a great community and we need to take care of ourselves and each other. Please follow and disseminate these measures. 

Health and hygiene measures

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for 1 minute and repeat as many times as necessary.
We are constantly making contact with surfaces and people that can be carriers of the virus. Since COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus, we must reduce the risk of contagion by increasing hygiene measures. 

When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth or nose with the inner crook of your elbow.
The inner side of the elbow makes contact with other people and surfaces less often. This reduces the possibilities of spreading the virus. 

Avoid attending large meetings.
When attending crowded places, you put yourself at risk of being infected by any of the attendees that may be carriers of the virus.

Avoid touching your face (nose, eyes, and mouth).
The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and nose. Avoid contagion. 

Do not shake hands or kiss as a greeting.
Our hands come into contact with many surfaces that may have the virus on them. When you shake hands with someone who has been infected, you put yourself at risk of catching the virus too. The virus is present in the saliva and respiratory discharge of someone infected and it enters the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. By shaking someone’s hand or kissing them as a greeting, you put yourself at risk of getting infected.

If you cannot wash your hands, use gel with at least 70% alcohol. (Using gel does not replace washing your hands).
Gel does not replace hand washing, but it helps to eliminate contaminants when it is impossible to wash your hands. 

Clean all surfaces with 1% chlorine solutions (1 part of chlorine for every 99 parts of water).
The virus can survive on surfaces such as tables, doors, handrails, elevators, etc., for several days. Wash surfaces with a chlorine solution to eliminate it. 

If you have a fever, dry cough, sneezing and/or general malaise, do not come to the University and call your doctor.