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Health Sciences / Stories /

Gabriela Flores

Credits: Archivo UDEM

Pursuing my MCD degree at UDEM was the best decision I could have made. It is a program that demands a lot of dedication and commitment from the student while, at the same time, it is very enriching.

I have been fortunate to continue my dentistry studies in the area of Orthodontics abroad. I completed a year-long fellowship at the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health ATSU. Subsequently, I did a mini-residency at the University of Alabama UAB and now I am about to start my master’s and specialty at the University of Rochester, New York.

In the course of my studies abroad, I was able to compare the quality of UDEM’s Dentistry program and I am proud to say that it is excellent. In fact, the doctors were surprised to learn that I studied for my degree in Mexico and at all the knowledge that I acquired at the undergraduate level.