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Health Sciences / About / Achievements and awards /

UDEM receives distinction as first university with a Cardiovascular Tissue Bank

The Health Sciences Division at the Universidad de Monterrey has become the eighth Cardiovascular Tissue Bank nationwide and UDEM is the first university to obtain this distinction bestowed by the Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS – Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks).

Out of a total of 498 Tissue Banks registered with the Centro Nacional de Transplantes (CENATRA – National Center for Transplants), at present only seven Heart Banks operate in the country and one of them has partial registration, just for heart valves.

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Health Sciences / About / Research and publications /

Nuevas opciones para tratamientos contra el alzhéimer

Credits: Archivo UDEM

El Dr. Román Vidal Tamayo, profesor e investigador de la UDEM, y el equipo de la Dra. Viviana Zomosa, de la Facultad de Medicina de la UANL, descubrieron una variante que puede ayudar a revertir el proceso de la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

El alzhéimer es una enfermedad cognitiva, pues se caracteriza por problemas de memoria y razonamiento; degenerativa, ya que una vez que empieza el paciente empeora; e incapacitante, pues va a llegar un momento en el que este no va a poder llevar a cabo sus actividades habituales.

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Health Sciences / Stories /

María Patricia Acosta

Credits: archivo UDEM

I was a Prepa UDEM student and in an event promoting the undergraduate degree programs I discovered Biomedical Engineering. It was there that I decided to pursue that program. Throughout the semesters, I took advantage of the fact that my house was a long way away from the University and I had to stay at the campus for most of the day to take some curricular courses in sports and dance.